
Jonathan Cohen Professor

UT Southwestern Medical Center


Dr. Cohen received his Ph.D. from the University of Cape Town in 1989 then did postdoctoral studies at UT Southwestern where he has remained ever since. His research focuses on the genetic basis of metabolic disorders that contribute common diseases such as heart disease and fatty liver disease. Together with his scientific partner, Dr. Helen Hobbs, he has identified genes that play major roles in the metabolism of fats, cholesterol, and triglycerides, and elucidated the biological roles of their protein products. His laboratory showed that loss-of-function mutations in PCSK9 are associated with low
plasma levels of cholesterol and confer protection from coronary heart disease. In addition, the Hobbs-Cohen laboratory identified the first genetic cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in humans.


1.Mitsche MA, McDonald JG, Hobbs HH, Cohen JC. Flux analysis of cholesterol biosynthesis in vivo reveals multiple tissue and cell-type specific pathways. Elife. 2015;4:e07999
2.Wang Y, McNutt MC, Banfi S, Levin MG, Holland WL, Gusarova V, Gromada J, Cohen JC, Hobbs HH. Hepatic ANGPTL3 regulates adipose tissue energy homeostasis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015:112;11630-5.
3.Stender S., Chakrabarti R., Xing C., Gotway G., Cohen J.C., Hobbs H.H. Adult-onset liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase deficiency. Mol. Genet. Metab.2015:116:269-274.
4.Lee J.-Y., Kinch L.N., Borek D.M., Wang J., Urbatsch I.L., Xie X.-S., Grishin N.V., Cohen J.C., Otwinowski Z., Hobbs H.H., Rosenbaum D.M. Crystal structure of the human sterol transporter ABCG5/ABCG8. Nature: 2016:533;561-564
5.Stender S., Kozlitina J., Nordestgaard B.G., Tybjærg-Hansen A., Hobbs HH., Cohen JC. Adiposity Amplifies the Genetic Risk of Fatty Liver Disease Conferred by Multiple Loci. Nature Genetics 2017 (In Press).