
Wei Wang Principal Inverstigator

University of Californina San Diego


Wei Wang lab is interested in understanding the regulatory mechanisms underlying cell fate decision. Especially, they take a multi-scale approach that integrates computational and experimental investigation of epigenetic regulation in cell fate decision from molecular level to genomic level then to systems level. They aim to build computational and theoretical models to uncover fundamental principles that govern cell fate decision in development and cellular reprogramming and design strategies to intelligently manipulate cell state.
Their research is highly interdisciplinary. The methods they use range from molecular modeling of protein structures, to bioinformatics analysis of epigenomic data generated by sequencing technology, to statistical learning of genetic network, to
biophysical modeling of epigenetic landscape. The theoretical work is tightly coupled with experimental investigation that exploits molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology and genomic techniques.


1.Bingfei Yu#, Kai Zhang#, J Justin Milner, Clara Toma, Runqiang Chen, James P Scott-Browne, Renata M Pereira, Shane Crotty, John T Chang, Matthew E Pipkin, Wei Wang* and Ananda W Goldrath*. Epigenetic landscapes reveal transcription factors that regulate CD8+ T cell differentiation. Nature Immunology. March 13, 2017. (# equal contribution, * corresponding authors)
2. Roberto Spreafico, Maura Rossetti, John W. Whitaker, Wei Wang, Daniel J. Lovell, and Salvatore Albani. Epipolymorphisms associated with the clinical outcome of autoimmune arthritis affect CD4+ T cell activation pathways. PNAS. November 14, 2016
3. Kai Zhang, Nan Li, Richard Ainsworth, Wei Wang. Systematic identification of protein combinations mediating chromatin looping. Nature Communications. 2016
4. Blue B. Lake#, Rizi Ai#, Gwendolyn E. Kaeser#, Neeraj S. Salathia#, Yun C. Yung, Rui Liu, Andre Wildberg, Derek Gao, Ho-Lim Fung, Song Chen, Raakhee Vijayaraghavan, Julian Wong, Allison Chen, Xiaoyan Sheng, Fiona Kaper, Richard Shen, Mostafa Ronaghi, Jian-Bing Fan*, Wei Wang*, Jerold Chun* and Kun Zhang*. Neuronal subtypes and diversity revealed by single-nucleus RNA sequencing of the human brain. Science. in press. (# equal contribution, * corresponding authors)
5. Rizi Ai, Deepa Hammaker, David L. Boyle, Rachel Morgan, Shicai Fan, Gary S. Firestein*, Wei Wang*. Joint-specific DNA methylation signature of rheumatoid arthritis identifies distinct pathogenic processes in different joints. Nature Communications. in press.